Ladies Blue Floral Robe from Irall


Delivery and Returns Info

Order Processing and Delivery

Once we have received your order we will aim to process it within 48hrs.

If you place an order with us and it’s out of stock we’ll let you know as soon as possible. Thus giving you the option to cancel the order.

If the item you’ve ordered is available for us to order or is already on order we will dispatch it to you as soon as we receive it.

If the order is for an item that we can no longer order we’ll contact you as soon as possible to arrange a replacement or refund.

Postal Information

Postage charges are as follows:
Standard Delivery (3-5 Days) – £2.29
Express Delivery (1-2 Days) – £3.99

Please note it may take 1-2 working days for us to process your order.

We will reasonably try to process all orders placed before 3 pm on the same day however we cannot guarantee this.

Please note that we do not guarantee any of the postal information listed above.
This should be considered a guideline only and may be subject to change due to external and unforeseen circumstances.

Right To Cancel

Your right to cancel an order starts the moment that you place an order and ends 14 days from the day that you receive your goods.

If your order consists of multiple deliveries the 14 day period runs from the date of receipt of the last delivery.

Right To refund

We will process refunds within 14 days of receipt of the returned item.

We reserve the right to deduct an amount from refunds where the goods have been handled more than necessary.

This means more than we would expect were you purchasing an item in a physical store.

This includes items showing signs of having been worn.

Return Costs

It is the responsibility of the customer to pay return costs.

Return costs will be refunded if an item is found to be faulty.

Faulty items do not include items that do not fit.

Ladies Blue Floral Robe from Irall

Introducing our luxurious ladies blue floral robe, designed for comfort and elegance.

Featuring a beautiful blue floral print that is both feminine and sophisticated.

The lightweight fabric drapes beautifully, providing a comfortable and flattering fit.

This dressing gown comes with a matching satin tie waist that cinches in at the waist, creating a flattering silhouette.

While the sleeves are half length and have a loose, relaxed fit, making it easy to move around and comfortable to wear.

Perfect for relaxing at home, whether you’re enjoying a lazy Sunday morning or getting ready for bed.

The soft fabric feels gentle against the skin, making it ideal for those who prefer a gentle touch.

Made with high-quality materials and attention to detail, this dressing gown is both comfortable and stylish.

Indulge in luxury and comfort with our ladies blue floral dressing gown the perfect addition to your loungewear collection.

These gowns arrive wrapped in tissue and boxed so they make a great gift for someone special.

Irall Kasumi Gown

Fabric: 100% Polyester

Colour Blue and White

Brand: Irall

Also available in Pink

Size Guide

Small – UK 8-10 – EU 34-36

Medium – UK 10-12 – EU 36-38

Large – UK 12-14 – EU 38-40

XLarge – UK 14-16 – EU 40-42

View all of our Dressing Gowns

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